Our Mission

Anime Fusion is dedicated to bringing the classic favorites of anime back into the spotlight alongside the newest titles fresh from Japan. In all areas of our convention, we do our best to honor new releases and retro hits equally to create an event that everyone can enjoy. We invite guests from a wide range of backgrounds. We fill our game rooms with a variety of choices that span the decades. We select shows for our video rooms that highlight the popular new releases and the beloved older titles that inspired them. Whether you’re a newcomer to the genre or a die-hard fan of the classics, Anime Fusion is the place to celebrate what you love! 

We have a devoted team of staff members with years of experience working at many of the other conventions in the area. While we love all the other fan events the Twin Cities have to offer, we created Anime Fusion in the hope of paying tribute to more of the older titles that introduced many of us to anime. We hope you’ll embrace this theme by telling us what you’d like to see at the convention and joining in the celebration of old and new. Tell us what new show you’d like to see, or what classic show you wish more people would watch. Host a panel on the series that first hooked you into anime. Request a game you haven’t played in years, or a new one you’d like to try. Dig out your old cosplay from that show you loved five years ago. Join us as we build a home for classic and cutting-edge alike at Anime Fusion!

Anime Fusion was started by a handful of friends that had been to several conventions and wanted to try running one of their own. Its parent organization, Quad Cities Anime, started out as an anime club that braved the leap into backing a convention. At Anime Fusion, we have staff members from several other conventions, but we are also our own independent event unaffiliated with any other. This allows us to build our own structure and traditions to make the best convention possible for our audience. We believe that independently strong voices build a stronger community.

Along those lines, we have big plans for the future. We’re looking to grow not only the convention but the Quad Cities Anime club as well, providing more activities throughout the year for our members and friends. We also hope to begin giving back to our community in other ways, through charitable giving and outreach to those in need. We’ve seen the difference Japanese anime and its fans can make in people’s lives, and we want to do our part.