Anime Fusion is a non-profit convention run by volunteers from the Twin Cities fan community.

From our guests to our game rooms, we strike a balance between retro and modern favorites, with a focus on bringing the beloved classics of anime together with fresh new titles! Whether you’re a newcomer to the genre, or a die-hard fan of the classics, Anime Fusion is the place to celebrate what you love!

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This Is Halloween
October 18-20, 2024
Crowne Plaza Mpls West

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Anime Fusion 2024 is up and running! Join us at the convention!
LaRire Cosplay. Cosplay Guest. LaRire Cosplay featuring 3 different outfits.

Guest Announcement: LaRire Cosplay!

LaRire (luh RYE ree) Cosplay is a longtime competitor and contest runner, having won many awards for her performances and craftsmanship capabilities (just ask her about her hand embroidery!) as well as being

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Join Our Crew!

Hello everyone! We are recruiting for some different areas and positions within Anime Fusion! If you’ve been to our event, if you enjoy giving your time to anime cons, or if you just

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Cosplay Contest Updates!

If you are interested in the cosplay contests at Anime Fusion – this announcement is for you! We are excited for another year of amazing costumes and fantastic performances! As you diligently craft or practice your skits, please take a moment to read our NEWLY UPDATED RULES! Each year
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Registration Price Increases July 1st!

Hello Anime Fusion friends! We just wanted to give you all a friendly reminder that registration prices will be going up at the end of the month. Currently, con weekend badges are $40: Starting July 1st, they will be going up by $10. Children’s badges (ages 6-12) remain $25 pre-con,
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Guest Announcement: Gareth West!

Hello everyone! We are excited to announce that Gareth West will be one of our Guests of Honor for Anime Fusion 2024! Gareth is an actor, model, and voice actor based out of Los Angeles. When not making anime voices or acting, Gareth enjoys basically anything nerdy under the
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